Information about Journals
When you're trying to decide on which journal to target for your paper, you can end up spending hours trawling over the internet, searching for details. On this page, you will find links to the Aims & Scope of the key journals in our fields (this is a work-in-progress so I apologise if you journal is not yet here). I have also included links to information about journal quality and journal rankings (both for and against).
This is a work-in-progress, so please let me know if there's a journal or link you'd like me to include in here, and please keep coming back as the repository grows.
General Management & Organisational Studies Journals
Organisational Psychology, Applied Psychology & Organisational Behaviour
Accident Analysis & Prevention
Applied Psychology: An International Review
British Journal of Social Psychology
Current Directions in Psychological Science
European Journal of Social Psychology
European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology
Human Factors: Journal of Human Factors & Ergonomics Society
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Personality & Social Psychology
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes
Personality & Individual Differences
Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin